Lanny teaching about mugwort at Arroyo Hondo Preserve. Photo: Linda Blue
Now offering Stay-Well-At-Home video consultations
Inspired by Ventura County Stay Well At Home orders, I’m offering a new way for you to learn about the plants on your property or local trail via a private one-to-one video phone consultation. We can use FaceTime if you have an Apple device. The other options are Google Duo and Facebook Messenger. All are free to use. You take your phone, tablet or laptop outside and I’ll ID the plants, guide you in experiencing their aromas and textures first-hand, and tell you a little about them.
Afterwards I’ll send a custom plant list that you can use for further research in books from my Herb Walks Shop or on my website’s Resources page. I’ll also ID still photos you send from our time together.
I’m waiving my usual requirement of a minimum of 2.5 hours for private walks. The rate for these video consultations is $80/hour or $50 for a 1/2 hour session.
Please let me know if you’re interested by emailing lanny@herbwalks.com.