Primitive Skills Day with Jim Robertson: June 14, 2014

Jim Robertson stirring a wild soup of handpicked stinging nettles, wild mustard, wild peas and more in his handmade ceramic pot over a fire he started the aboriginal way.
Jim Robertson stirring a wild soup of handpicked stinging nettles, wild mustard, wild peas and more in his handmade ceramic pot over a fire he started the aboriginal way.

Over 30 primitive skills enthusiasts and nature lovers joined us in the Upper Ojai Valley for an amazing day with special guest Jim Robertson. Among the day’s activities were an Herb Walk in Sisar Canyon, fire making with hand drill and bow drill, netmaking, acorn processing, flintknapping, and yucca cordage. Some of the group stayed for a campfire where we cooked acorn pancakes and other foods over the coals and sang Native American songs and chants. Those who were still there in the morning practiced archery and threw hunting sticks and atlatls. What a fun and information-packed weekend! Let me know if you are interested in joining us next time and I’ll add you to the priority list.

See more photos in the Primitive Skills Day photo album and at this Aboriginal Skills Day photo page at

Here’s the same photo as above taken a moment before with flash:


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